Update Only

Win an afghan lap throw

Would you like to be in the acknowledgements of a romance novel? Would you not like to be there? Have you ever been acknowledged in a romance novel? Tell me what you like or don’t like about this idea.

I’ll have random .org pull winners on October 4th

Good luck!


Congratulations to Jackie and CP, the winners of last month’s giveaway!

16 thoughts on “Update Only

  1. After all that I have experienced in my life I can not understand why I have never been in an acknowledgement. haha Maybe I should write a book just to see my name in print and, oh, thanks for answering my question in your newsletter!!

  2. It’s fun to be acknowledged in your books. It’s surprising what you write when it is something I said to you in answer to one of your questions or when you’re pick my brain on a specific topic. Keep on writing & I will keep on reading!

  3. I would be honored to be including in the acknowledgements of any novel — or book, period! But I never have been, and don’t expect to be.. The afghan looks beautiful, btw.

  4. I have been acknowledged in 4 books over the years, one of them being yours, Lexi. Actually, it was 3 times, and 1 time in the dedication. It always thrills me when I make some suggestion to an author and when its used in a book, I am acknowledged. To me, its an honor to be acknowledged.

  5. I have been acknowledged by 3 authors that I read. It’s fun seeing your name there in print. Plus, it’s awesome that the author thinks that much of me to add my name to her book for whatever the reason might be.

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